Friday, March 11, 2011

something to share....

I left Switzerland almost 5 months ago to fullfill one of my dreams; travelling through south east asia. I love to dream, especially daydreaming though I hardly remember any of my nightdreams. Although I have to say this has changed a bit the past couple of months....sometimes there are some short memories the other morning. But anyway, I love to dream, you can call it fantasizing as well if you want. My dreams though have always been better than reality which is okay, because my daydreams are like heaven or paradise. In reality or daily life I have always my moments of struggling and situations just come out different than I thought they would do.

I told you on my blog I fell in love a couple of times ;-) I told you also I was more or less in balance in Ubud, Bali, but I didn't tell yet I lost this more or less balance situation after I left Bali. One of the reasons is definitely that I got lost of my 'yogastructure'. It's hard to keep on practizing when I'm not India I'm looking forward to come ;-)

So far I met a lot of lovely, nice and beautiful people on my way (my leatest treasure is Helen from London! Thanks Helen for letting me to know you :-)) and made a lot of different experiences. One of the feelings I have is...and that's one which is for a lot of other travellers and people back home a weird one..."is this it?" Is this what I've been longing for, for so long? There are no really big exciting moments, There are not a lot of moments I would scream it out from joy and happiness. I'm just a different kind of life than at home. I don't feel bored, not at all, but I just feel so normal.

So maybe next time I'm just keep on dreaming.....

One of the things I hoped to figure out during this journey is: what comes after this...or more where go after this. Is it going to be Holland, Switzerland or maybe Asia? I think this question is already answered, but of course can still change. At the moment, or actually since a couple of months before I left Switzerland it feels really like Switzerland. That's mainly because of my friends and swiss nature. I'll thank those who wrote me all these messages or emails so far. It's so nice to be updated from time to time. And it feels good to be missed and loved by the people I miss and love.

One of the things which is on top of my 'things to do when I get back list' is exploring Europe step by step. I'm meeting a lot of europeans and I feel sometimes almost embarrased to tell them that I never went to there country or city. Europe is so amazing, it has so much to offer. The diversity of landscapes, food and people is astonishing and we HAVE the best bread of the world! We can drink tap water and we don't have to be affraid of getting foodpoisend after eating on a local market. Yeah I love Europe...oops there's again something I love ;-) 
I had to get away from my love to find it....I needed my distance from my love to know where my home is. For those who know me maybe a bit better than others do....they know what it means to me when I can say....I found my home.

Asia so far opened my eyes, I'm completing a puzzle step by step...but there's still more to figure out so I won't leave this part of the country so fast. I brought me already a lot and I feel thankfull and blessed for that. I'm glad I didn't just keep on daydreaming but made it reality!

What's next:
The 16th of March I will cross the border to Vietnam, where I will stay till at least the 23th of April. Then back to Cambodia for some more travels and my Vipassana retreat in Battambang. After that is Thailand to be going next....than? Malaysia? India...


1 comment:

  1. Lieve Carry,

    Leef je droom maar droom niet je leven!!!!!
    Heel waardevol om je blog te lezen. Er zullen steeds weer interessante mesen je levenspad kruisen. Ik denk aan je!!! Veel liefs mam
